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A transit is never the optimal thing to have. What can you do this time? I had a 10-hour transit in Lisbon, what to do and how to use the time? Is it even worth it?

Where is it located?

Lisbon is located at the Atlantic coast in the East of Portugal and has a population of over 500.000 people. 

Portugal in general is located on the Iberian Peninsular of Southwestern Europe and is joining a border with Spain. In this country, near Lisbon you are also able to find the most eastern point of mainland Europe

Also part of the territory is the island Madeira, off the West coast of Africa. Adding to it, further off the coast of Portugal, you can find the Azores Islands. 

What is there to do?

Lisbon has many things to offer, after reaching from the airport to the touristic center, you can basically just walk around. While doing that you will walk many streets up and at the end down. 

The most views you are going to have are the red roof houses, with a view to the water. That’s why it is also a great idea to just walk next to the water and visit the beach. While walking along the water, it is quite likely to see the red bridge called The Ponte 25 de Abril, it is one of the longest of its kind in the world. You are not able to walk over, besides during the half marathon each year. With bus or trains, you are able to cross it, to reach the other side, from where you can see a Jesus statue similar to the one in Rio and also have another view of the city.

Like mentioned right before, the trains and buses. The tram of the city, with its yellow color, is super famous and while walking around the city, you are going to see it all the time. 

You are able to see many historical sights and one of the most famous would be Castelo de São Jorge. This is a castle, right in the touristic center. You need to walk from the beach just up the hill and then you are going to find it. It is not free, so it was nothing I was visiting, but I heard that it is quite nice to see. 

The roofs of the city

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What do you need to know?

Lisbon is a quite beautiful city, which is of course packed with many tourists. When visiting the city it is important to know, that there are many people going to ask, if you want to buy their drugs. Drugs in general are not illegal in Portugal, it is not legal either, but you can of course get in trouble. So to summarize it, Portugal decriminalized the personal use and possession of all illicit drugs.

When wanting food, there are many people going to talk to you, to make you want to go to their restaurant. In my case it was like, that I was directed to go into some side street, in which I would not go otherwise. The food wasn’t bad, but it was just unexpected, to walk a few streets and eat them in some side street. Otherwise these restaurants would probably have problems having many guests in that location. 

How many hours do I need to explore?

I wouldn’t say that I saw everything, because in one day that is not possible in any bigger city. To have an idea of the city and explore a bit, to have a good day, then it is for sure possible to do so, while having a transit for example. 

With that, I would say for having a decent idea of the city, five hours exploring gives you a good idea of Lisbon. To want to better explore it, then probably three or four days should be fine. This in general for most bigger cities. The first day to arrive and maybe going to explore the neighborhood. On the second day, really exploring and doing recommended stuff from locals, if you meet any. During the third day, doing some more things, but doing it calmly, to enjoy it a bit more and at the last day, just saying goodbye. Doing everything relaxed and maybe going to some places, you still feel like missing. 

How to reach everything?

From the airport, there is a train driving downtown, which is super easy to use. During this time, you will cross through the parts of the city, where the majority of people are living. 

When being in the center of the city, then you could basically reach most things while walking. This is my favorite way to explore a city, because like this, you are able to see more things and be active as well. 

When not being a big fan of walking, then you can also get around by the famous tramps of the city or also by train and bus. The public transportation seems to be really good in the city.

The famous tramp in Lisbon

Is it worth it?

Seeing a new city or a new part of a country is in my opinion always worth it, but Lisbon is a city where I understand why people are going. In Lisbon, you are able to explore a lot in a short amount of time. The city is quite pretty and having water nearby is always good. 

Having large amounts of tourists is of course not the best thing, but this is normal in most of the European capitals. Even for a transit, which is for up to nine hours, it is for that a great opportunity, leaving the airport and making the best out of it. 

It is of course not a cheap destination, like all of Western Europe. Still, you are able finding decent prices, just not walk to the places, where only tourists are. It could be something good there, but not cheap and most of the time also not authentic.

My experience

I had a nine hour transit in Lisbon, before going to Cape Verde. Staying nine hours at the airport during the day isn’t the most fun activity. Going to the city was more of style. 

It was my first time on mainland Portugal, I just saw Madeira before that trip, so I was excited. The train was extremely packed, which was expected. When reaching the city, it was nicely big there, so it was possible for people to split up. Like this the masses of people didn’t look as much anymore. While walking over the big plaza, to reach the waterfront, I was being talked to by four people to buy hash, which was weird. 

I enjoyed it at the water a lot, to get some wind and also have an idea where it is best to go next. Of course with all the luggage it is not the most fun activity to walk around a lot, but during a week vacation the energy level is off course higher, then during a long trip. 

Walking many streets up, during the warm climate. Being rewarded for walking by having amazing views over the roofs of the city.

Trying out some local food was of course also part of the experience. My favorite are little pudding desserts called Natas, which I love eating in Germany. In Portugal they of course taste better and are able to being bought for a decent price. It is basically a puff pastry tart with pudding.


Layovers are not nice, especially when it is for several hours. Just think of it, when having a layover for over nine or even eight hours, why not explore the city of the layover? Like this, you are able to make more memories of something which was not planned.

You are able to explore a city, a region, meet people, party and just enjoy your time in the place you are. Most important of all is, that you need to sometimes check the time, to make it on time back to the airport. 

Lisbon itself is a city, where you are able to have a good idea of the city, after one day of exploring. Of course you can see way more, when spending longer there, this is for most cities the same. 

Portugal Stories: 10h transit in Lisbon, what to do and how to use the time? Click on the text for more Europe stories.: 10h transit in Lisbon, what to do and how to use the time?

 I would love to hear your experiences about this place, or questions. Share it with me in the comments.

Some of my travel gears + supporting me

Underneath there are links from my travel gears mentioned. When buying something, I get a little percentage from Amazon. This way, you are getting a good deal and supporting me as well. It doesn’t need to be the article mentioned, it could be any other purchase on the website, after clicking on the link. Thank you for your support.

Click here to get the water filter I am using 

Not as cheap but worth it, when using, it can filter up to 4000L

Click here for the perfect travel soap 

It is small and really efficient, there are other smells as well. In addition to it, it is a good price.

Click here to buy the drone I am using 

This drone is perfect for traveling, not big with a high quality, the price of good quality drones are sadly never cheap but it is worth it when using. Not all countries are allowing drones, please check that before traveling with it. 

Click here to get the travel towel I am using  

Any other fast drying towels are fine, they are small, cheap and doing the job.

Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.