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I wrote the article about the beach in Aqaba already. Aqaba beach – what you can see without a tour – click on the text to read the article.

Telling little stories is something I like, so here is another Storytime coming up!

Where is it located?

Aqaba is a city with over 100.000 people living there at the gulf of Aqaba. The location is at the north east of the Red Sea, so it is not far from Africa, great for economic situation. Also it is the most south of the country.

Aqaba attract many tourist, also because of one of the seven new world wonders are located not far away, Petra. 

It is basically the neighbor town of Eilat in Israel, with who they have peace from politics, also crossing the border is not hard. Jordan in general is bordering other countries, Saudi-Arabia, Syria  and Iraq. When you count it as a country, then also Palestine is a neighbor country. When counting the sea borders, then technically Egypt.  

Usually the geopolitical position would be really critical, but they have good relations to the neighbors and makes them in my opinion maybe even to the safest country in the middle east to visit. 

What is the story?

While I was in the water, a local guy in my age was coming to me. I first didn’t knew, what he wanted from me. His English was not the best, but after a while I understood. 

He introduced himself to me and wanted to go snorkeling with me. He was getting equipment and was giving me better equipment as well, so that I was able to enjoy it the same way. 

While swimming underneath the surface, he was always showing me things underwater and was also collecting shells and nice rocks as well. I also was able to find some good things, but his eyes were for sure way more trained for that, I guess. 

We were able to see many beautiful things under the water, also sea urchins, luckily from a good distance!

We were swimming for around 30 minutes, after that he was leaving with his family, but he gave me the things he found. First I didn’t want to take it, because he found it, but he told me, that he can come back many times and that he would be happy, if I take the present. 

Still now, I have the things he gave me, because first they are looking amazing and also because it is a good souvenir, from a great trip. 

Underwater world at Aqaba beach

What did I learn?

At the beginning, probably because of Egypt, I was thinking, that he want some money from me or want to sell me something. So I was going more in the defense mode, which was the completely opposite, from what it really was. 

From my experiences before that trip, I was not used, that people are just coming to me, to be nice to me and want to do something together. It is something, which I really enjoy while traveling to countries like Jordan or Pakistan, in general many countries, which you might not have on your mind at the beginning. 

Also on other continents, even in Europe, just try to listen to the people, before blocking it. What is coming from it could be positive and not always negative. 

 I would love to hear your experiences about this place, or questions. Share it with me in the comments.

Some of my travel gears + supporting me

Underneath there are links from my travel gears mentioned. When buying something, I get a little percentage from Amazon. This way, you are getting a good deal and supporting me as well. It doesn’t need to be the article mentioned, it could be any other purchase on the website, after clicking on the link. Thank you for your support.

Click here to get the water filter I am using 

Not as cheap but worth it, when using, it can filter up to 4000L

Click here for the perfect travel soap 

It is small and really efficient, there are other smells as well. In addition to it, it is a good price.

Click here to buy the drone I am using 

This drone is perfect for traveling, not big with a high quality, the price of good quality drones are sadly never cheap but it is worth it when using. Not all countries are allowing drones, please check that before traveling with it. 

Click here to get the travel towel I am using  

Any other fast drying towels are fine, they are small, cheap and doing the job.

Click on the text for more Asia stories: Aqaba Beach local experience – Storytime Jordan Stories: Aqaba Beach local experience – Storytime

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Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.