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The Chorsu Bazaar in Tashkent is huge and also interesting to see! There are still some reasons why it would be nothing for you. 

What is it and what is it famous for?

The Chorsu Bazaar is located in the old town of Tashkent, the capital of Uzbekistan. It is the biggest and the most known bazaar in the city and probably even in the whole country as well.

Important to know that the now famous dome was built in the soviet time. It is covering the main building of the bazaar now. Since the 1970’s there is the dome, but it existed a long time before that, sources say in the medieval times. 

When thinking about the meaning of “Chorsu” in the old Persian it meant “crossroad”. Many sources say that, while searching on the internet, but all of my Persian friends don’t know that word, so it is likely to have its roots in old Persian language. 

You can find in the bazaar basically everything you are searching for, because it is huge. Also outside of it, you can find things, it is just not under the dome. 

Spices at the Chorsu Bazaar

What is good to know, before going?

The prices in the bazaar are higher than at other places and especially for tourists, who look like they are not from Uzbekistan. Having insanely high offers, for something which you can get way cheaper in supermarkets. 

Many sellers try to sell things in an uncomfortable way, by coming too close and touching you and everything. It was not a great atmosphere to buy local products.

It is important to negotiate well, when you really want to buy something. This is important for everything in general, when there is no price on something, like in a supermarket. 

In the surrounding area of the bazaar, there are many things to find, so when you have time during the day you are visiting, you could also go for a walk there. It is quite nice, but some things are also not in the best condition.

My experience

When going there, it was first a strong motivation, due to the fact that it looks amazing from the outside. Also the inside is cool and big, there is not just one ground. You can go upstairs too. It is divided by the food which is sold, so some part is for nuts, another is for fish and so on.

You can find many things, just looking around was interesting. When hearing the price, it put me off. It was for me to stupid to start negotiating, because the prices were just way to high. 

I was liking it at first a lot, but as I stayed longer, as more I started to dislike it, which is sad, because a lot of potential for being a good bazaar was there. At other places, even in Tashkent, I had better experiences.

The nut section at the Chorsu Bazaar


The Chorsu Bazaar is huge and there are many things to find. For making a good deal it is not the right place to go, when just wanting to see an interesting bazaar, then you should!

It is great to have a view into Uzbek culture and daily life. Watching the people and the stands was interesting. 

Due to the location, in the old town of Tashkent, you are able to find other stuff, you may find interesting too. I would say, go check it out, but buy stuff in different places. 

I would love to hear your experiences about this place, or questions. Share it with me in the comments. 

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Uzbekistan Stories: Chorsu Bazaar – Tashkent, why not to go

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Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.