Weihnachtsbaden or in English, Christmas bathing is a tradition at the island of Sylt. This year the tradition takes place as well on the 2nd Christmas day, so the 26th of December. This year was the 36th time, that it is happening.
Where does it take place?
The tradition is in Westerland, the city at Sylt, where most visitors are coming. It is one of the places, which are, compared to the rest of the island, quite cheap.
Sylt is an island located in the North Sea and shares the border with Denmark
This island is one of the most famous islands in Germany and probably the most expensive one as well. Many rich people are living there and a high number of visitors are coming every year also to this tradition.
How to get to Sylt?
Getting to Sylt, there are a few ways. The most common way is taking a train, with the Schleswig Holstein Ticket, you can go for a bit over 20 Euros to the island, when starting in Schleswig Holstein or Hamburg.
Another way would be, to take the train with your car. Really often are the trains leaving from and to Sylt. When arriving at Sylt with those two options, you are going to be in Westerland already. There is also a way to get cheaper supermarkets.
On the other side, further north, in the direction of Denmark, there is another option, because over there you are able to take a ferry. You can go by bike, walking or by car on it.
The last way, which is also the only way I never used, is by taking a plane, which is by far the most expensive. It is adding to it, even completely unnecessary to do so.
What is Christmas Bathing?
The Christmas Bathing is a tradition for the people in Sylt and especially in Westerland. On the 26th of December, every year, up to 150 are coming together and run in the fresh North Sea. This year was time for me to join as well.
The water had a temperature of three degrees celcius and the air temperature was six degrees. Could have been colder, but for sure warmer too.
It is similar to the Anbaden, which is a general North German thing, also in other countries. In that tradition, you are going in the cold water of a river, lake or ocean, to welcome the new year, at the first of January.
The difference between those two traditions is simple: at the Christmas Bathing, most people are wearing Christmas clothes or some other costumes. Also more than 1000 people are coming, just to see that.

What is important to know?
Being part of it, does not cost money, you just need to be there early enough, to sign up.
While being in the water, it can be really dangerous with the temperature. One thing, which is not bad to do, is to keep watching your breathing. Keep it calm, to symbolize your body, that everything is fine.
There are enough people to help you, but it is in general not a shame to not be as long in the water. You are not getting a price to be there the longest. It is just a fun event and nobody wants anyone to be hurt at the end.
Try to keep your feet as long as possible warm, when they are cold, before being in the water, that is unnecessary torture, in my opinion at least. Just keep the shoes until the beach, to take them off there then.
How was it like?
While visiting the island for a few days after Christmas to be there for the new year with family and friends, we saw the event and knew it was something to try out!
Signing up on the same day and being led to the locker room. At 14:25 the organization came in and told us “The temperature didn’t get better, but we’re gonna do it anyway!”. The crowd celebrated and was hyped even more.
When the clock hit 14:30, we were running out of the lockerroom to the outside, with almost no clothes. It would have been freezing, but the motivation was high, with the 1000+ people cheering at you. After 200m you reached the beach and then it was time to jump in. We were not allowed to go further than ten meters in, because the ocean was too strong. Also the sun just came out for that event, before it was raining with strong wind.
Within seconds, you could not feel your feet anymore and were just freezing. The motivation dropped quickly, but whatever, we went in a second time. People are celebrating everyone in the water. When walking back to the locker room, the visitors were clapping for everyone passing, which was really cool.
At the end of the event, we were receiving a gift bag, with a towel inside, a voucher for a molted wine at the christmas market and a certificate for the attempt, with all the temperatures as well.
Doing traditions is always great, especially when you are not even from that place, but can enjoy it with everyone else.
Sylt is a generally known fancy island, but also a nordic place in Germany, which is usually known for not caring too much, when it comes to cold weather.
We had a lot of fun attempting at this event and being part of it in general. The event was well organized, with many volunteers in the water, for possible rescuing, which was luckily not necessary this year.
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