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This article will be about actually two trips, both at different times. 

Driving to Trier

It was time to visit one of my best friends, Marcel in Trier. Trier is the oldest city in Germany. With me were Luca and Marta, two of my best friends from Hamburg. It is usually 7 hours by car distance and we took the car. Sadly we were in a lot of traffic. We were taking people with blablacar, to save some money. The problem was, the people waited more than three hours for us due to the traffic, I felt really bad to make them wait so long. 

On the way we were listening to a lot of music, Marta and I were singing to it to get prepared for Trier, our plan was to go to a karaoke party there. 

Once the guys from blablacar were with us, we were just getting to know them and it was quite interesting. The one girl was from Luxembourg and drove home, we learned a bit about the culture and that was nice for me. We dropped her in Luxembourg to get cheap gas for the car. In Luxembourg the gas is cheaper than in the neighboring countries.


Seeing Marcel is always something great and we had a good time together. We were sharing food together and just had good conversations. I had to share the bed with Marcel due to lack of space, but it’s nothing bad!

Next day it was time for karaoke! We splitted up. I was meeting Tahra, a friend of mine. Luca and Marta went exploring Trier, because it was their first time in the city. It was nice spending time with her and talking a lot about traveling, some topic we have in common!

It was a good start to the day, but then the coffee shop was closing, so it was time to get ready for the party. I was meeting all of the three in the city and went basically home. 


People started coming and we were doing some predrinking, which ended up in drinking for more than three hours and Marcel was feeling quite drunk already, me as well. We all went together to the club and it was great! We were in the club and somehow I had the whole time with a drink in my hand, without ever buying one which was weird. Nevertheless it was a great night! I was able to sing twice and it is nothing I am usually doing, but I had a lot of fun! 

Marcel didn’t spend the whole night with us and it didn’t go super long anyway, because everyone was quite tired early in the night. I feel that I am for sure getting older, that is also a reason why I don’t really drink anymore. This year it was five times, which for someone in Germany isn’t that much, should still reduce it. 

I was bringing the best friend from Marcel home and went then also after to bed and I had in general that night a lot of fun!

Next day

The next day it took a while before we met Marcel, because he was staying at his girlfriend’s place, so I had the bed for myself! We were meeting in a burger place, where I finally met his girlfriend who is a really nice person!

Tahra was also there and everyone enjoyed the burger, to be honest it was a really good one! Trier has some really great restaurants, so I never ate anything there which wasn’t really good! 


Tahra left us for this activity, but we went for minigolf and it was a lot of fun. Marcel and I were getting a bit competitive and ended up having a tie which was probably good for the peace, but there will be a revenge. It was not planned at all to do it.

I feel like things like playing minigolf or bowling are things you basically could do every day, but you don’t really do it. While you do it you don’t understand why you don’t do it more often. At the end it takes forever before you do it again, at least it is for me the case, but every time I do it, I enjoy it. 

Finishing the trip

We went to a kebab shop and met Jolande, a girl I met while I was in a mental health clinic at the beginning of the year. She is living in Trier and so I thought it would be great to see her!

Actually it was nice to see her again, but somehow with the interaction with my friends she was getting triggered and the air was a bit rough after. I should have talked with them more about it, because I wasn’t said to be maybe a bit sensitive. In the clinic we were learning about that and I am just following it, but communication should have been better.

At the end it is neathers fault, the situation could have just been a bit different and better for everyone. It was still nice and the food tasted great as well. 

It was great being with Marcel, Luca and Marta, because spending time with good friends is always something amazing. 

The drive back took some time, but it was okay, at the end we arrived safe and that is what all matters. 

Second trip

This trip was a bit different and I will also do a separate article about it. I went with some friends to Cologne on the 11th of November to be there for the beginning of Karneval. 

Driving to Cologne

I was driving with Tobias and his big car a day before from Hamburg to Cologne, we took 6 others with blablacar with us, to get in the gas prices again. It was a cool group, we shared some nice talks and were excited for the next day, where the Karneval began. 

With most I was not able to communicate, due to being too far away! It wasn’t that bad, everyone seemed to enjoy it. After we arrived in Cologne most people in the car took a Ouso shot and left. Tobias and I were driving a bit further and went to our host!

The host

David hosted us for the two nights, which was amazing. He was about to celebrate Karneval as well with his friends and wanted to motivate us already by playing some Karneval music and also some typical beer from Cologne. His neighbor came over and we were doing it until 3 or 4 in the morning, way too long! Because we got up at 9am and went out already. 

Carnival beginning

Tobias and I were dressed up. I am a guy from Hawaii and he is Popeye, my costume was sadly a bit too cold at the beginning. 

We were getting some drinks for the day and also breakfast in the nearest supermarket and were really excited for the day. For both of us it was the first time being at the Karneval and this year it was happening on a saturday, so even more people are attending. 

I was freezing, but after a few beers it was fine and especially when being in the crowd of people, it didn’t matter anymore. There were masses of people, ten thousand here, ten thousand there. Everyone was very open and friendly and let us join them, also the costumes were very interesting. Some came as toilet paper and others as pirates. 

Everything was quite crazy and even without a plan we were wandering around with a lot of fun involved. We talked to hundreds of people and took pictures with similar amounts.

Meeting everyone

Tobias and I were meeting Ashraf, a good friend who was also with us at the Cheese Rolling in the UK, and also Bettina and the girlfriend from Ashraf. We were drinking all together until close before 11, when finally Marcel from Trier was reaching us. At 11:11am on the 11th of November the beginning of the Carnival is celebrated. I expected something crazy, but to be honest it wasn’t that crazy, just everyone cheered up and continued drinking. 

We were meeting friends from Marcel and his girlfriend, which was great. We joined them only for a short time though, because we didn’t feel like joining their adventures for the day. 

Also Ashraf and his girlfriend left because Ashraf couldn’t hold himself on his legs anymore.

Crazy day

I will not get too much into detail, but Bettina, Tobias and I were having a lot of fun! We went from one location to another and met so many people, it was crazy. At the end it was only Tobias and myself again. We were in a park and got to know a group of Swedish people, who took us to a houseparty to which Ashraf joined with more energy at night.

The whole event was great to visit and I will for sure make an article about it! Tobias and I were driving back to Hamburg the next day and took 7 people from Blablacar with us. At the end we made more money than we spent and both of us had a profit after all expenses of more than 50 Euros. It was for sure worth it and having a trip where you even earn some money is amazing. 

What’s up next? I thought I wouldn’t do any more trips this year, but no, I flew to India to meet up with Bana, with whom I was traveling in Indonesia and Timor Leste, so stay tuned for some more adventures!

Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.