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I had 24 hours in Whitehorse, a city in Yukon, due to a transit. It is crazy what you can all do in a short period of time. Here I am just talking about a small part of it. Fishing in Yukon, is for sure nothing I was expecting before arriving.

Where is it located?

Yukon is a big state in the north of Canada, with Whitehorse as its capital. It has a direct border to Alaska, which is the USA. In general Canada also shares a border from 2022 on with Greenland, or better with Denmark

Yukon is known for its wild nature, mountains and many animals. Even in 24 hours I was able to see so many animals, for example eagles. Sadly no moose, but next time. 

Beautiful lakes, national parks and rivers are all over covering the country and for this story the river is the most important part. 

How did the story go?

After getting picked up from my friend, who I met that day through Couchsurfing. We went to his place, to pick up everything needed and head right after into nature. The long empty roads which were surrounded by beautiful nature were amazing to ride. Hoping to see cool things along the way but just being excited about what to see after. 

It was basically my first time really fishing, which was exciting, because it was a new experience and it just felt like such a local thing to do. We were stopping the car on a cliff with an impressive view!

Seeing eagles flying over the mountains and along the river. It was August and the weather was actually really good weather. The sun was shining and it seemed like the perfect weather for fishing. 

We went down to the edge of the water and were ready to start. He had to teach me everything, but it seemed easy. Just throw it in, let it flow with the stream and when it is too far away, pull it out and try it again. We did fly fishing, which seemed to be perfect with the power of the river and for beginners too. 

There were so many hungry fish in the water, which were biting so often. Sadly most were too small, so we were letting them live and putting them back in the river. 

How was the experience?

It was great, we were spending quality time together, while we were able to get to know each other better.  and doing something local is also great. 

We were catching a few fish, which we were then keeping in the water for a while, before eating them at the end. 

Being in the nature was just amazing, while we were there I also were able doing some drone shots with my drone → To purchase the drone I used ← also a great cheaper alternative would be this drone → The drone ←. 

Having just 24 hours is in the mind not much, but it is possible to still do a lot of great stuff. I was having a local person with me, to explore it even better. 

Here one of the drone pictures

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How to prepare the fish?

Which is interesting to mention, I was living two years completely vegetarian, but I never disliked the taste of fish. In this situation, I was breaking my vegetarian self and changed to eating fish, but only fish so becoming a pescetarian. 

The next section is about killing a fish, when not being comfortable hearing it, skip this part!

He was taking the first fish out of the water and killing it with a rock, to make it quick. Then it was time to use the knife, to take away the head. After this it was time to cut through the stomach, for being able to take the organs out of the fish body. 

Now he had to take the fish scale carefully with the knife off the fish, to be ready for cooking. He wanted to do my fish as well, but I feel like, when I am fishing and eating the fish, that I should do it by myself. It felt more good doing it myself, then anyone else doing it for me. 

How to cook the fish?

We were heading with the fish to the back of his truck, where we had all the necessary equipment for cooking. We were having a portable gas cooker, a pan and every extra as well. 

Cooking like this in nature in the car was a really great experience. It was the same cooking, as when camping, but just felt a lot different. 

I was cooking the fish for us and when we ate it, it tasted super well, I was surprised how good that actually tasted. We had a local Yukon beer with the fish, which was a great combination. 

When cleaning it, we were using some water from the river. By not using harming material, it was not a problem. Nature and keeping nature intact is for people in Yukon really important, because this is just their life source. 

Me cooking the fish


When staying for just 24 hours in a place, you aren’t thinking of having crazy memories, which are staying in your mind. All of this is possible though. You can explore and do many things in this short amount of time. Especially when having locals around you, it is really good and making things way better. This is one of the many reasons why I am using Couchsurfing on many of my trips. 

By clicking on the Amazon link, mentioned in the article and buying something, I am getting a little percentage from Amazon. This way, you are getting a good deal and supporting me as well. It doesn’t need to be the article mentioned, it could be any article on the website, after clicking on the link. Thank you for your support.

 I would love to hear your experiences about this place, or questions. Share it with me in the comments.

Some of my travel gears + supporting me

Underneath there are links from my travel gears mentioned. When buying something, I get a little percentage from Amazon. This way, you are getting a good deal and supporting me as well. It doesn’t need to be the article mentioned, it could be any other purchase on the website, after clicking on the link. Thank you for your support.

Click here to get the water filter I am using 

Not as cheap but worth it, when using, it can filter up to 4000L

Click here for the perfect travel soap 

It is small and really efficient, there are other smells as well. In addition to it, it is a good price.

Click here to buy the drone I am using 

This drone is perfect for traveling, not big with a high quality, the price of good quality drones are sadly never cheap but it is worth it when using. Not all countries are allowing drones, please check that before traveling with it. 

Click here to get the travel towel I am using  

Any other fast drying towels are fine, they are small, cheap and doing the job.

Click on the text for more Central and North America stories.

Canada Stories

Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.