We made it already to the personal blog number 69 great, so now we continue with the story. There is just so much happening all the time and it would be everything just too much to fill it in just one article.
The last few days were also just a lot!
Concerts in Mongolia
Marla really wanted to go with me to a concert at Rokit Bay. At first I didn’t want to, but I had no choice.
We were meeting friends of hers there, who ended up being in the VIP section. We didn’t want to spend so much money, for just basically getting drunk in a fancy setting. So we went directly into the crowd. It was happening in the main stadium of the city.
It was super crowded, I had the feeling that everyone in the whole city was in that stadium. Concerts in Mongolia are held differently than in Germany for example.
There are many acts before the real artist, for whom everyone is coming.
There is no real starting time of the concert, due to many other artists who were there before.
You can find many stands around the place, where you can find many things.
Also a VIP section is quite normal, where you are going to eat, drink and just be in a good restaurant while listening to live music.
It was very interesting, also there were commercials in between the acts and the artists in between were not small artists.
Rokit Bay
We went there for Rokit Bay, which is a rap legend of the country.
Some time passed from his last concert on. In general he is not doing many concerts.
People were super hyped and it started with some flares. People were standing on the roof of the stadium and burning down flares, that was just amazing!
I was excited even though I knew no song, being the only non Mongolian and understanding nothing of what he was singing or saying. Still the concert was really cool and he knew how to make the crowd excited.
The best thing besides the flares in the beginning and the fireworks at the end was that I was able to just see everything that was happening. The people are just quite small compared to me, even though I am just 1,80m tall, so not a giant.
It was quite chill even though people were getting wild, some good things compared to other concerts I went to.
People were quite confused that I was there, but I feel like not in a bad way, but who knows.
After the concert we met up with her brother and his wife. We went out to grab something to eat. I Had some street food and drove them back home afterwards. It was again very late, roughly 2 am we reached home.
Game night with friends
A day after the concert Marla first was invited to brunch. At the end they skipped that and invited us for a game night. We were the first who arrived, because everyone was hungover from the concert, due to being in the VIP section. Her friends had an amazing apartment, very fancy and compared to Germany quite cheap.
They were very welcoming and also nice to be with. Over time other people came and we all played games together and had talks. They mainly talked in English, which was very nice of them to do, so we all were able to have conversations and I felt included.
Meeting Marlas friends is general speaking really nice, but at that meetup I wasn’t excited, because I felt like having a mental breakdown which felt not nice, with also suicide thoughts were getting bigger, not so nice of course.
At the end the meetup was not bad and I was able to learn a bit more about the culture and life in Mongolia in general.
Picking up things and getting problem with the police
On the last full day there were many things to do, because both Marla and I like to wait with important things until the end.
A friend of hers had a souvenir for us from the Mongolian Parliament. It was so nice of her, we went there and picked it up. After picking it up, we went to a supermarket to buy something for Germany as well.
It was after midnight and we were on our way home. There was police control and I wasn’t understanding Marla well enough, so I thought I should drive around it. It was a stressful situation and I thought I did everything right, but no.
The police opened the door and wanted to pull me out of the car. I didn’t know what they wanted from me, also they were quite aggressive towards me. They just wanted to take an alcohol test, but due to misunderstanding I was driving for a second on the wrong side of the road.
They wanted to call someone to drive the car away and wanted to extend my stay in Mongolia for a week, which obviously seemed like bullshit to me. The highest officer was at least quite nice to us and we had a deal that we would buy them KFC, so that they would let us go.
Technically it was corruption, but they didn’t ask for money, otherwise I would not accept it.
It took more than an hour to find a KFC which was open, but we were successful and spent less than 15 Euros on it.

Goodbye Mongolia
It was time to exit the country. I put on my Dell and went with Marla and her mother to the airport. The night was short, because we were quite late with packing, also due to the police situation.
The road to the airport was quite empty and in good condition. We were checking our bags in and went for it. Eating a bit with her mother and giving her a hug before leaving. One friend from Marla, who lives in Hamburg, but is also from Mongolia, was with us on the same flight to Frankfurt.
We also were sitting next to each other.
In the plane I was ordering all the time for Marla and I, in which I felt way better than before the trip, such an improvement.
It was funny on the flight to Mongolia, there were almost no Mongolians and now on the flight to Germany, it was full with Mongolians.
Arriving to Germany
When arriving in Frankfurt we had to wait such a long time in order to receive the baggage, also it was weird being back. We went to the train and of course they were late.
Luckily we were going on a different train in order to make it on time at Frankfurt central station in order to make it on time to the train to Hamburg.
Surprisingly the train to Hamburg is almost on time!
What is up next?
Honestly I have no idea. Due to uploading some personal blogs in the last weeks, I might be back next week with a new personal blog, but nothing fixed is yet planned. If there is no personal blog next week, then there will be another informative article next week.
So stay tuned!
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