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After becoming parents of little chicks, during a hitchhiking trip. There was no way around, so they had to join. Hitchhiking with chicken? A little story about some little chicks here for you!

Short summary of the chicken

While visiting Karakol in Kyrgyzstan, we found new born chicks dying on the street. After buying two of them, it was time to take care of them.

On the way to find a new home, it was necessary to get to the places. Due to the fact that it was a hitchhiking trip, a new experience was made. 

Hitchhiking in general can be rough already, but with little chicks?

Seeing both of the chicks

How did the hitchhiking go?

While waiting for someone to stop and picking us up, the other person was taking care of the two, while they were running around. We had a little box, with some food and hay, so that they are feeling comfortable.

When the first car stopped, it was a little transporter. We were bouncing around in the back, during the ride.

The chicks were screaming the whole time for attention. Surprisingly the drivers were not even asking about the chicks. It seems like being normal for them.

On the street it was different, people were looking weird, seeing us as tourists with chicks in a box with us.

Everyone, who was stopping, had no problem with the two little ones, which was great, so we had not really an issue with the transportation. 

My thoughts

Hitchhiking with Chicken is something different. Even though people were stopping and taking us as well, it was still stressful. Having two babies with you, who won’t stop screaming is something different. 

While a bus was stopping and taking us as well, there was actually a woman in the bus, who had chicken with her as well. For the others it was probably a bit weird.

It was of course great spending time with the chicks and having this experience as well. In the end, it is possible to travel with everything and everyone, it can be just, depending on what, more challenging. 

When you want to do something, just do and try it out, then you are able to see if it is working out or not. Thinking about them, it is sad to write about it, because not knowing what was happening to your babies it’s not easy. We think that the chosen home was a great one, so hoping for the best.

I would love to hear your experiences about similar stories, or questions. Share it with me in the comments.

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Kyrgyzstan Stories  : Hitchhiking with chicken – Kyrgyzstan

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Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.