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When visiting Medellin in Colombia, one of the first tourist sights came up, Guatapé! Is it worth taking a tour to Guatapé? 

In this article I will review the tour which I took in September 2022 to Guatapé. Usually I am not a person who is taking tours. My friend was asking me to go and I got convinced, because I also was having the plan to see the place. When searching on Google about Medellin, one of the first things is the two and a half hours away place Guatapé.

Guatapé is famous for the rock of Guatapé, it has 706 steps to the top, where you will have a great view over the region with the Guatapé dam. Also it is famous for the center, which is filled with colorful houses and much art.

What is included?

  • Breakfast & Lunch
  • Bus transfer from Medellin to Guatapé and back 
  • Visiting two other cities along the way
  • A boat tour, through the Guatapé dam
  • Tour Guide (the tour I did was just in Spanish)

How did the tour start?

In the morning, the bus driver is going to pick up everyone, which can take a while. After everyone is on the bus, the 2.5 hour bus ride starts. The guide taking about the plan of the day, so everyone knows what to expect.

After more than half, there was the stop for breakfast, where everyone was receiving a little portion, which was okay. The whole group was full of internationals, most likely travelers from Middle or South America. It was fun being around travelers which is usually not the case for me, due the fact, that I prefer being surrounded by locals. 

The buses in Colombia are really comfortable, so even sleeping would have been comfortable, but the surroundings were amazing to see, with all the jungle and huge mountains as well.  

The first stop, after breakfast

The city El Penol, first stop on the tour. This city is existing only, because the old city of the citizens have been destroyed by strong floods. A new city for the people needed to be built. 

The city is a pure tourist destination, with a church, built in a mountain. Many souvenir shops with high prices. 

In Medellin, or other cities you are able to find the same things, just way cheaper. For example a little backpack was around $20, and the exact same one, a city further, for $12, probably in Medellin even cheaper. 

We had over 30 minutes to wander around, but there was not much to see, besides the 

shops and a little main square. 

During the boat tour

The boat tour

Before doing the boat tour, I expected to drive with a boat near the famous mountain and have a great view about it. From the distance it was possible to see. Instead everyone went on a big boat, with two levels. We were listening to music and floating around in the Guatapé Dam. It was where the old city of El Peñol used to be. 

We didn’t learn much about it, just knowing that it was basically underneath us. 

It was a beautiful area but floated by tourist party boats. You were able to see that the locals have a bit of a problem with the water. By seeing on the side of the water many sandbags, to keep the water at a distance. So generally speaking there was not much information told. Only, that there was the old city before and about a house, which was owned by Pablo Escobar.

The information was good, but not what I expected from a tour. There it would be great learning about the tragic stories happening in that region and what is different at this day.

The boat ride took around 20 minutes. Besides the fact that it was a pure tourist, it was enjoyable sitting on the chair and looking into the distance. The weather was great so it was possible to enjoy the sun. 

Right after being back on the little harbor, there was a replica of the destroyed city. Located up a mountain with a view of the old location. It looked nice, but  again having actually to much time. There were literally a few buildings and a bunch of souvenir shops. 

The rebuilt church was beautiful and the other buildings as well. At one of the shops, it was possible to see pictures of the old city. To see how it looked, and how everything looked with the flood. It was interesting to see. That was something I was hoping to see during the tour, or at least hearing about it.

After a rough time in the pure sun, without really being able to cover well, the tour continued.

Seeing a bunch of nature was definitely great to see. 

Lunch time & visiting Guatapé

In Guatapé

The restaurant was located at the water, with the option of chicken, beef, pork and vegetarian. Due to the fact that I am a pescatarian, I took the vegetarian option. It was great! Having a big plate with plantain, avocado, rice, fried egg, fries, beans and a little salad. The other plates also looked great, way better than the breakfast. 

After the food we finally had a good amount of time to see the city. A bit over an hour, which was good, because in this city, you were able to see a lot, not like in the other ones. 

The houses were colorful, with a lot of beautiful art as well. 

Nice little streets were there. Even though it was also a touristic city, the prices at the shops were almost the half, from the city El Peñol, which was surprising. 

I generally like to find out prices, without actually buying things. 

I wandered around the city with my friend from Mexico and four other travelers, from Spain, Bolivia and Argentina. Practicing Spanish was happening, which was great. 

Being in the city felt good, by visiting little hidden gardens, going into beautiful churches and visiting probably the most famous places of the city. The street, where over the whole street, umbrellas are hanging down. Perfect to take pictures, when you are lucky to have a moment, when not many people are around. 

It is one of those places, where you can understand why it is tourist and still want to take a picture, because it is just looking good. 

The city was probably my highlight of this trip, even though the highlight should have been the rock of Guatape. 

The rock of Guatapé

The rock of Guatape, or in Spanish, Piedra del Peñol, was reached. It is surrounded by water and nature. Just in the center of the rock, many tourists, obviously. In the mountain, around 700 stairs are built.  It looks really fancy and unique. The entry was 20.000 Pesos which is around $4.5. That price is not included in the tour.

When you are thinking about what you can get for that amount of money in Colombia, it seems to be a lot. Walking up the stairs is not simple, but not as hard, as for example Monserrate in Bogota. Still quite a way til the top. 

On the top there is a platform. You are also able to walk a bit higher, to the top of a tower. From that tower on, you are having a great view. You can see all the surrounding water, where also the boat tour was happening.

The view is fantastic, because you can see really far. When being downstairs, it is also possible to have a great view. Same as on the boat and during the ride. Due to this fact, everyone needs to decide for themselves if it’s necessary to pay the money to go up there, or just enjoy it in a more peaceful way downstairs. 

The rock of Guatapé

The summary

Is it worth taking a tour to Guatape? Or better to do it by yourself?

When talking just about the money, the tour was at a price of 94.000 Pesos, so around $21. Thinking about taking a bus, it would cost between $4 or $5, to go there one way. 

When hitchhiking, you of course would not have any money spent on the transportation. It should work fine, due the fact that many people are driving there. 

By taking a bus, you would save half of the money. When comparing it to the tour, which is of course a lot. Then you are not able to stop at all the places and get the food. For that you need to think also, about spending some more money. By pre-made food, you are also able to save money. 

When you are not planning to come by hitchhiking, you should considered taking a tour. The cons of the tour are clear:

  1. You are with a group and stuck to a schedule!
  2. You will go to crowded places only!
  3. You are not individual and do stuff you want to do!
  4. When you like it somewhere, you can’t stay anywhere longer, then allowed!

The pros on the other hand:

  1. You don’t need to plan your trip.
  2. You will see a few places and do the boat tour, which otherwise probably won’t be an activity. (this could be also a point on the other list, when not liking that)
  3. A little bit of food is provided. 

What do I think?

I for myself liked seeing the places and didn’t need to plan anything. Usually I don’t do tours, because I don’t like to feel like a normal tourist. It is sometimes hard, when you want to see some of the highlights of the country as well. 

When comparing it to taking a public bus, I think I would have saved money. Also would have seen less places. When hitchhiking, it would have been probably something I would have preferred and maybe doing some camping in nature. 

Due to my lack of time and my friend, who wanted to do it, I would say, it was okay doing the tour. The tour was overall a fair deal. 

The rock instead, if I would have known it before, I probably wouldn’t have walked up. For me it was not worth it. I am used to seeing amazing views with my drone. That is why I prefer not going to really crowded places. Just sitting near the lake and enjoying the beauty would also have been nice. 

Going to Guatapé in general should be a thing to consider. It is taking a day. When enough time is there and you like experiences like that, then you should do it. 

Colombia Stories: Is it worth taking a tour to Guatapé?

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Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.