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Let’s continue the Beerlovers Marathon story!

Raceday of the Beerlovers Marathon

I woke up at 6 in the morning and was hyped already. When I am hyped, there is not so much relaxing time for people who are with me, Tobias is already used to it.

We were dressed up and enjoying the time with all the people there.

The topic was prohibition, so basically the time alcohol was forbidden in the USA, Great Gatsby, Mafia and so on. I had a cool outfit, but forgot half of it at home. 

Most people dressed up, but not all, some were wearing something which would not fit at all, but everyone had fun.

I was hyped, but also quite afraid. I wasn’t training at all to be able to run a marathon. 5 years ago I ran my first, and by that time only, marathon. That one I was running also without training, but still I was younger then. 

We were doing some dance workout / stretching and there my knee started to hurt already.
I was ready for the Beerlovers Marathon!

Beginning of the race

It started by going uphill for the first 1.5 – 2km, which wasn’t fun. Tobias and I were actually quite in the front, the marathon was not a fast one, more a fun one. 

The first three kilometers were done and we were finally able to receive some food, because we didn’t have any breakfast.

After five kilometers it was time for the first beer. It was weird on the one hand to drink while running a full marathon (42.2km), on the other hand it was fun and tasted good!

The race went on and we had fun along the way, while not running as fast. Kilometer 9 we had the next one and we did it smart. First a glass of beer and then a glass of water, because it was very hot.

The best stop was at kilometer 15, we were having a rave underneath a bridge there. At most stops there was a DJ, a band or at least music and people who were motivating everyone. 

It was great and between each stop we were excited for the next beer.


After kilometer 26, I was struggling a lot. My whole lower body was in pain and the sun was kicking in a lot. I know we had a lot of time before getting possibly disqualified. Still I wanted to do some simple jogging and tell myself that I am able to do so!

Each kilometer was filled with pain and thoughts of not finishing. Each step was a step closer to the next beer and the finish line, so that was perfect, but on the other hand each step meant pain.

Between kilometer 26 and the next beer were 5km, which was way too long. When we reached it the length between the stops was getting better. 

We received at kilometer 31 very good cheesecake.

The volunteers were such angels and made it lovely for everyone. Putting a smile on their faces and giving energy, to make it to the next stop.

It was getting harder from kilometer 31, because we went uphill. We got in the mountains and I wasn’t excited over it. 

We were doing a lot of walking instead of jogging, because it didn’t make much sense.

End of the Beerlovers Marathon

Between kilometer 31 and 42 there were still 9 beer stops in between, so getting enough beer was for sure something happening. Often there was the next stop just a kilometer away.

From kilometer to kilometer Tobias and I had more fun, I was enjoying the walk with the little pain and was excited to drink the next one.

Best stop was for sure the kilometer 39, we had an amazing view over the city of Liege and were receiving local fries with great sauces. Adding to this, the beer was decent.

We were drinking and eating doubles and had a good time.

The alcohol started to say hello to us and we had a lot of fun.

The next stop we were drinking again and it was great. 

We also met many people to whom we were talking to during our time in Liege. 

Due to drinking double and a not well tasting beer, we were throwing up before the finish line, but kept going strong. Almost chugged the last one and went for a sprint. I didn’t expect my legs to be able to do so.

I was so relieved, when receiving the medal, it was amazing!

After Party

We were going straight to the pool, which was a lot of fun. We were playing volleyball and had some air unicorns and rings to play with. Probably an hour was spent in the pool, or even more, before going to the actual after party.

The time was great and I was going for many snacks and beer on the 19th of the day, while Tobias was very done with his life and felt the alcohol a lot. He wasn’t excited to drink one with me. 

After the 19th and a lot of food, I relaxed a bit in the sun and it was great. I felt good and especially because while laying down my legs were not in pain.

We were not really going for the after party, just listened to the music and went to the car after. Many people went to the town and went to a bar/club to finish off the day. 

We still had a 6h ride back home, but we had a good weekend, it was tough of course, but still a lot of fun, I can for sure recommend. I believe we will do the Beerlovers Marathon again!

What’s up next?

Honestly I don’t know yet, if no week started to happen until next week, then you will find a more useful article instead of a Personal Blog Post.

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Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.