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When thinking about Syria, the first thing in your mind is probably war and suffering of the people. Find out what kind of nightlife there is going on in Aleppo now!

Where is Aleppo located?

During my trip in January 2022 to Syria, one stop was Aleppo, the biggest city of the country. It is located in the north, at a good strategic location. Close to the Mediterranean Sea. 

During the war there was a lot of suffering going on in Aleppo, many buildings destroyed and the people suffered from it. 

Now it is back under Syrian control and it is slowly getting rebuilt. You are walking through the city and have literally destroyed and rebuilt buildings next to each other.

How is the nightlife in Aleppo?

Syria has big electrical problems, Aleppo also, so it is often happening that all lights are going off, so it can be really dark.

The locals are meeting in restaurants and also bars, to have some drinks and share some great local meals. Mainly young people are walking outside, also often in smaller groups and seem to enjoy the time with each other. 

Many street shops are to be found everywhere, for example falafel, or fresh made juice. The food tasted amazing and the people also were super friendly and always down for some talks. 

I was walking around with a girl from Britain, with whom I did my tour. A tour is mandatory in Syria. She was enjoying the time a lot, until the tour guide was telling some lies, to make her feel bad, which was sadly a bit bad for the overall situation.

Nevertheless, it was great walking through the city of Aleppo was interesting, especially how many places with alcohol you are able to find, nothing I expected. 

Fresh juice in Aleppo

How is the security?

During the night in Syria, that seems dangerous! Actually it was the opposite, I felt super safe and also the girl from Britain, who was also walking around by herself. The locals are really welcoming and don’t want to give you any harm. 

The feeling you are having, when walking around in complete darkness is not the best of course, but that is just a feeling, that doesn’t mean it is dangerous. 

In general in every country something can happen, but Aleppo and the places in Syria, where we went, didn’t feel dangerous at all!


The nightlife in Aleppo is not really what you will expect, when listening to the media, but that is why you are reading this article. 

It felt safe walking around there and sharing a drink with some locals as well. There are many things to do, going out for drinks or eating something local, everything is kind of possible. 

When you are visiting, give it a chance and try to go for it, to enjoy it at its fullest.

 I would love to hear your experiences about this place, or questions. Share it with me in the comments.

Syria Stories: Nightlife in Aleppo

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Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.