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Let me tell you about a rough night in North Macedonia . The day started off rough with continuous rain while we traveled from Tirana, Albania, to the border with North Macedonia. We were completely soaked and everything around us was wet. By the time we crossed the border, it was already dark, and we found ourselves stranded at the next town after the border.

After a few hours, someone finally picked us up and drove us to a gas station. There, we met some guys our age who offered to take us to a camping spot. We were hopeful that it would be a good place to rest, at least better than sleeping on the streets.

The location turned out to be a meadow outside the city of Ohrid. While it was better than nothing, it wasn’t the most ideal place to set up camp, especially with the rain still pouring down.

Putting up the tent in the rain was a challenge, but we managed to keep the inside dry, thankfully.

The night

However, the real rough part of the night began when I was awakened by my companion. She had spotted a problem outside the tent. Four street dogs had surrounded us and were barking continuously.

Feeling somewhat annoyed and half-asleep, I didn’t have time to be afraid at that moment. I went out of the tent, yelled at the dogs, and surprisingly, they ran away. Looking back, I’m amazed at how smoothly it went.

But that wasn’t the end of it. There was another dog in the distance, which belonged to someone nearby. This dog kept barking all night long, causing me to lose any chance of getting back to sleep. It was a small dog with endless energy, and it barked non stop even in the morning when we were packing up the tent.

As you can imagine, I was in a pretty bad mood while trying to make our way to the capital, Skopje . Annoying sounds make it difficult for me to fall asleep, and this whole incident was quite unexpected.

Well, this is just one of those random life stories I like to share on this blog.

Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.