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In a previous article, I delved into the world of the Zotter factory. You can catch up on that piece by clicking this link. Now, let’s explore another facet of this factory, one that stands out for its uniqueness. The cemetery of ideas!

Welcome to the edible zoo, a section within the factory where you can order what you see. Here, animals have plenty of space to live freely, but eventually find their way onto the menu. This approach offers transparency about your food choices, allowing you to make moral decisions for yourself.

After receiving a chocolate-filled escapade – a must-do here – you can take a nice walk through the garden. And during such a walk in the garden we found something which catched our eyes: a cemetery.

What Sets Zotter Apart?

Zotter is more than just a chocolate producer; it’s dedicated to crafting an unique experience. With a commitment to fair trade and organic practices, they take an extra step by visiting farmers to source the best quality ingredients. From bean to bar, Zotter is doing that, and you can witness the entire process at their factory.

While their chocolate might be pricier compared to bigger brands, the taste difference is there. They truly invest in the art of chocolate-making.

The Unique Cemetery

This cemetery is unlike any other – no animals, teddies, or objects rest beneath its surface, only ideas. Zotter pushes boundaries by experimenting with all possibilities, some chocolate types and unusual combinations. At times, you might wonder, “Did they not see this combination’s failure before production?” With over 500 chocolate types in the market, it is just understandable that some are not making it all the way.

Here, tombstones bear the names and ingredients of chocolates. Occasionally, notes accompany these tombstones, along with the years when the chocolates were in circulation. You’ll come across bizarre combinations like Ginger and Carrot, Coffee and Mustard, or even Strawberry with Lobster –which was just an idea, so that the lobster didn’t need to die. 

What did I like about it?

Reflecting on this unique concept, it’s evident that Zotter stands to their past experiments while looking ahead to create more remarkable, and sometimes unconventional, creations. Some ideas might eventually find themselves in the same graveyard, but that’s part of it– 

This is what it is all about, don’t forget the past, but move on from it to create a better version of yourself in the present for a brighter future. Many companies try to hide their mistakes they’ve done in their lifetime and people do the same, why don’t they accept it?

Looking through the tombstones is weirdly enjoyable; it’s hard not to chuckle at the thought of some of the creations which were back then at the market. It’s a testament to their willingness to experiment, even when an idea might seem like something not smart to do. 

That’s what makes Zotter stand out – a company which is just authentic and not ashamed of history, which we all should not be. History is always part of us and it is okay to accept it. In the moment it is the only possibility of changing yourself into the person you want to be. 

Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.