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It’s another story about one of my favorite countries Kyrgyzstan, this time about another unique one I believe. 

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Doing some hitchhiking over the mountains in the direction to the border of Tajikistan, which ended up being a bad idea. The whole day was spent crossing a mountain chain with much waiting time. It was getting dark and someone was giving a lift into a little village. A village so small that I wasn’t even seeing it on the map before checking the roads for the trip. 

Walking a little bit out of the village, to be out of sight from the farmers who lived there. Just had to put up the tent for camping to just start refreshed the next morning on the bad quality dirt roads. 

The morning

Waking up in the middle of nowhere isn’t something special for me anymore, actually usually something quite positive. I opened the tent, because I heard some weird sounds, well surprisingly there were hundreds of cows who surrounded the tent. 

Lucky that they actually didn’t step on the tent, that could have been quite dangerous. 

The cows were going with the farmer for a walk to be able to eat some fresh grass. This is something normal in Kyrgyzstan. This was something I was seeing before, it was just not in my mind when putting the tent up.

The cows were cute and the farmer was not caring at all, seeing me half naked there brushing my teeths, while his cows walked past me. Also it surprised me that the cows weren’t that interested in the tent. 

At least I woke up quickly after seeing the cows and was ready walking around the village to get back on track. Just to get disappointed later when hearing the road to Tajikistan is closed because of the huge amount of snow which was received in the mountains during winter.

Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.