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Liechtenstein, the 6th smallest country, what does have it to offer? I went there twice, once in March a few years ago and the other time in January last year.

Where is Liechtenstein located?

Liechtenstein is a small country with two borders, to Austria and Switzerland. With Switzerland they have the closest connection, by also using the Swiss Franc. 

The capital Vaduz is not even the biggest city. The biggest city is Schaan with not even 6000 people living in it. By this you can tell, the country is not big. 

When walking along the main street, from one border to the other, you will just need to walk a half marathon. 

The flag from Liechtenstein with mountains in the background

Best time to visit Liechtenstein?

When comparing it with its surrounding Liechtenstein even in Winter it is not extremely cold. I traveled there last time in January, coming from minus 10 in Switzerland into friendly plus five degrees, with the sun heating really well. 

The five degrees felt like more than ten, which was great. 

When talking about the best time to visit Liechtenstein, you should visit in Summer, also Spring and Autumn are still fine to go. This goes for all usually colder countries in Europe.
When wanting to go skiing, then you should ignore everything and go in the Winter time. Even though skiing will be probably better in the neighbors, because they have more ski slopes. 

Important information about Liechtenstein

Liechtenstein is a constitutional monarchy, so they have a royal family. Besides that, it is a really rich country and can be expensive. While being there, no money was actually spent, but that will get written about another time. 

The official language is German, but you will always find someone who does speak english.

Liechtenstein doesn’t have border controls, so entering is no problem. For everyone who still wants to get a passport stamp it is possible to get. Just go into the touristic info office, there you are able to get the stamp.

A passport from Liechtenstein

How to get to Liechtenstein?

Due to the fact that Liechtenstein doesn’t have an international airport, getting there needs to happen over Austria or Switzerland. This you can do by taking a bus, train, rental car or hitchhiking, which was the way which was used during the last trip.  

Hitchhiking is saving money and is quite simple, it didn’t take a long time from Switzerland. 

Inside of Liechtenstein, you could basically walk everywhere or just take a bus, inside the country. 

What are the highlights?

Besides going to the national museum, or a different museum, you can visit the castle of Vaduz, which is on the mountain in the capital. In the castle, the royal family is living, and it is a great place to see, when being there. 

The Cathedral St. Florin is one of the most popular places, but understandable, because it is a beautiful cathedral.

When walking through the capital Vaduz, you are able to see nice buildings. Just walking in general through the city can be nice. 

Also besides Vaduz, while you can walk through the country, you are able to see some beautiful buildings and surroundings. While we walked almost through the whole country, a really great place we saw was the church of St. Laurentius in Schaan. While looking up the name on Google, not many people were visiting it, you can change that. 

A thing which is really big in Liechtenstein is nature. Many hikes are possible to do, when having enough time, just do that during one day, in combination with other things. 

The church of St. Laurentius

Should you go to Liechtenstein?

Liechtenstein is, like mentioned in the beginning, the sixth smallest country in the world, so you don’t need many days there. I just spent three days there, because it was on the way.  

It is expensive, but worth visiting in general, you are able to see a great landscape, with beautiful buildings and a clean country. 

When you like to do crazy partying and need to be in big cities, Liechtenstein is not the place for you. But when you like to see some beauty and want to say that you walked through a country, then it is worth a little visit.


I personally like Liechtenstein. Speaking the national language makes it easier, even though just using English is not a problem. To me just positive things happened there. Even meeting a real Liechtensteiner, because of getting hosted through Couchsurfing.

The weather during the day is nice and it is nice to just relax a little bit, not having the stress from the big city life. Just calming down and enjoying the beauty of Liechtenstein. 

I would love to hear your experiences about this place, or questions. Share it with me in the comments.  


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Written by

Nico Koch

I am Nico Koch from Hamburg in Germany and happy that you are interested in seeing the world through my eyes and want to join me on my journey.